Ilan Tzorya is infamous for his notable track record of crimes. The Tradologic owner is the genius responsible for the pan-European scheme that has netted over 800 million euros and…

Ilan Tzorya is infamous for his notable track record of crimes. The Tradologic owner is the genius responsible for the pan-European scheme that has netted over 800 million euros and…
Ilan Tzorya ist ein Serienbetrüger, der die Kunst beherrscht, hinter den Kulissen mehrere Netzwerke von betrügerischen Geschäften und Partnerschaften zu betreiben, die nur selten ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit geraten. Die…
Ilan Tzorya is a serial fraudster who has mastered the art of running multiple behind-the-show networks of fraudulent deals and partnerships that rarely gets into the full glare. The networks…