E&G network is one of the most famous scandals in Europe that attracted the attention of the across-boarder team of investigators, led by joint Austria-Germany law enforcement agencies. The investigations…

E&G network is one of the most famous scandals in Europe that attracted the attention of the across-boarder team of investigators, led by joint Austria-Germany law enforcement agencies. The investigations…
Jubiter (https://www.jubiter.com/ ) is one of the brands key to Ilan Tzorya’s booming fraud networks. The website has facilitated the payments made through numerous fake trading websites set up by…
Werner Böhm ist eines der berüchtigtsten Gesichter Österreichs, wenn es um Online-Betrug, institutionellen Betrug, Erpressung und bösartige Kampagnen gegen seine ehemaligen Geschäftspartner geht, die die Grenzen nicht überschreiten. Vom drohenden…
Das Internet wirft seit seiner Entstehung immer wieder ein Licht auf die beunruhigende Realität der Online-Sexindustrie. Die Erotikbranche hatte schon immer einen furchtbaren und verbesserungswürdigen Ruf, was erklärt, warum immer…
The internet has and continues to shine a light on the disturbing realities of the online sex industry since its emergence. Adult entertainment has always had an atrocious and unimproving…
Werner Boehm is one of the most notorious faces in Austria whenever it comes to online scams, institutional fraud, extortion, and malicious campaigns against their former business partners who fail…
After a period of stability, the sharpest drop in value since the beginning of 2018 After months of prosperity and stability, with a constant rise in value, Tuesday September 24th,…
The South African cryptocurrency exchange platform exceeds all expectations LUNO, South Africa’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange platform, has reached 3 million customers, gaining 1 million more in the last 12 months…
The biggest trading platform in the world is a hub for criminals and everybody in the industry knows that. Why isn’t anything being done? Our second installment of our ‘Platforms…
An Israeli lawyer working for the District Attorney bought a house with her brother’s dirty fraud money. Buying a house is every young Israeli couple’s dream. Getting said house from…