Breaking News! Tzorya’s Criminal Style of Writing Exposed

Ilan Tzorya’s ability to control virtually all the operations involving his parent company, Tradologic, has been a vital recipe for his fraud patronage, involving many dozens of brands and companies in which he owned entirely or had at least 50% stake. The former IDF intel and a pan-European fraud mastermind planted a network of confidants in every operation to make his work easier. This helped him maintain a tight grip over the brands and companies’ operations.
Delzar Mohammed Khalaf is one of Ilan Tzorya’s top confidants who played a critical role in larger operations, including the famous E&G. It’s important to note that Delzar wasn’t just one of Tzorya’s mere employees—he played critical roles that determined the fate of every operation he was assigned. Delzar was the Chief Operations Officer (COO) and served as the assistant financial supervisor at Ilan Tzorya’s Tradologic group. Delzar was also appointed the head of Krypton Capital, which Tzorya owns entirely.
Moreover, Delzar was the CFO of the E&G and helped Tzorya manage finances in other companies since he was one of the few individuals Tzorya depended on for his fraud business success. Whether Tzorya wanted falsified or doctored financial reports for E&G, GAP, GMP BVI, or any other company under Tzorya’s Tradologic umbrella, Delzar was always the go-to person. More often than not, Delzar got exposed to the company’s money laundering activities, making him one of the few people who knew how the entire scheme operated.
A Formidable Force behind Ilan Tzorya’s Fraud Operation’s Success
Based on the roles he played at the E&G group, Delzar was aware of the deep secrets around the operations, some of which were unknown to Gal Barak, whom Tzorya accused of being the owner of the E&G network, despite being just a strawman to shield Ilan Tzorya from any potential arrest in case of a crackdown.
Being just a business icon with a lethal fraud team operating behind his shadows, all he had to do was to sign whenever needed and watch everything done by Tzorya and his expert criminals at a glance. Delzar has been at the center of most of Ilan Tzorya’s operations, giving proposals for new businesses and other ventures involving Tzorya and his partners.
The certified accountant handled secret financial issues involving the E&G, GMP BVI, and other companies involved in the E&G operations. He also assisted Tzorya in creating fabricated financial reports to show the company’s false growth evading tax obligations.
A typical model used by Tzorya to run a successful fraud venture in Europe, scamming tens of thousands of victims, is sophisticated and well-organized, with Delzar and Ilan at the top of the pyramid.

Following the path shown in this graphic, Ilan Tzorya, Delzar Khalaf, and other top confidants in key positions within the entire operations would work together to move the stolen money from the victims at the base of the pyramid into E&G brands, and then through GAP to GMP BVI. From GMP BVI, the funds would then be channeled to DTI, the parent company that Tzorya uses to run fraud.
Tzorya’s Criminal Style Exposed
According to pieces of email evidence in the hands of our investigative team, Ilan Tzorya’s criminal conversation style exposes more than meets the eyes. An email conversation between Ilan Tzorya and Delzar Khalaf back on April 25, 2017, reveals Tzorya’s criminal motives evident in the manner he writes. Take a look at the screenshots below.

From the screenshots above, Ilan Tzorya requested financial reports for GAP and GMP BVI, terming them the easiest reports he has ever seen in the world. However, Delzar Khalaf responds by telling him he had sent him the reports a week earlier. Despite Delzar giving reasons why the report couldn’t be ready immediately, Tzorya still insisted he needed the reports.
Why was he insisting the reports were “the most easy in the world” despite having no background in accounting and finance? Tzorya uses cooked figures in the companies’ reports to look good. Tzorya also insisted he wanted the reports for GMP (BVI), GAP, and AffKada.
In addition to being the mastermind of E&G and other fraud networks under the Tradologic group, the secret email chats show how the criminal Tzorya was entirely in control of the E&G fraud network, despite denying his involvement in the fraud network throughout his interrogation with the Austrian police and investigative reporters.
Tzorya also influenced all the financial transactions and gave instructions on how the financial accounting for the company was done.